running haskell

To run it, you do:


This should open up a terminal that looks somewhat like:


That's really all there is to running it in the terminal! Treat this like a scratchpad. Note the keyword it, which will remember the most recent output done within the ghci terminal, similar to Ans on a normal keyboard. To exit do ctrl+D.

To actually do anything interesting with it, we have to write programs, which look like *.hs. For the standard hello.hs, do:

main = do

  putStrLn "Hello, everybody!"

  putStrLn ("Please look at my favorite odd numbers: " ++ show (filter odd [10..20]))

This goes ahead and tells you what a file should look like. You have a main function which is defined as the process of doing some prints. For some conventions, see conventions.

To run it (for some reason it doesn't run in vscode), open up your terminal, and do

ghc hello.hs

This will generate 3 files, hello.o, hello.hi, hello.exe. However, the computer seems to think hello.exe is a virus, so instead do

runghc hello.hs

You should get:

Hello, everybody!
Please look at my favorite odd numbers: [11,13,15,17,19]

and now we know how to run programs!

If you want to use it within a scratchpad, do ghci hello.hs, and it will load in all relevant variables/functions into the scratchpad.