2 exercises

chapter: 2 definitions

Problem 1.

factorial :: Integer -> Integer
factorial n = product [1..n]

choose :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
choose n r = factorial n `div` (factorial r * factorial(n-r))
choose n r
    | r > n || r < 0 = 0
    | r == 0         = 1
	| otherwise      = factorial n `div` (factorial r * factorial (n-r))

check :: Integer -> Bool
check n = sum [choose n r | r <- [0..n]] == 2^n

Problem 2.

not1, not2, not3, not4 :: Bool -> Bool
not1 True = False
not1 False = True

not2 bool = if bool then False else True

not3 bool = case bool of
            True  -> False
            False -> True

not4 bool
    | bool == True = False
    | otherwise    = True

Problem 3.

Since a function is a relation and parenthesis are ignored, its 2^^{# of Bools} (tetration).

  1. 4
    • T and F both have 2 options, so its 4.
  2. 16
    • This is equal to Bool -> (Bool, Bool), so there's 4 options each for T, F, so its 16.
  3. 256
    • Same as before, except with Bool -> (Bool -> Bool -> Bool), which is mapping 2 things to 16 options, so its 256.
  4. 4
  5. 16
    • 4 things can map to 2 things, so its 24, which is 16.
  6. 8
    • This is 23, so its 8.
  7. 256
    • 8 things map to 2 things, so its 28, which is 256.
  8. 16
    • 4 things mapping to two things, so its 16.
  9. 65536
    • 16 things mapping to 2, so its 216, which is 65536.
  10. 65536
    • (Bool -> Bool) is 4 mapping to 2, so there's 16.
    • Then we're mapping 16 things to 2 things, so its 216.

Problem 4.

Not 100% secure on this answer tbh.

intToBin :: Int -> String
intToBin 0 = "0"
intToBin n = reverse (helper n)
    helper 0 = "0"
    helper n = let (q, r) = n `divMod` 2 in (if r == 0 then '0' else '1') : helper q

f :: Int -> (Bool -> Bool)
f n = let binary = drop 2 $ intToBin n
      in \b -> if b then head binary == '1' else binary !! 1 == '1'

g :: Int -> ((Bool -> Bool) -> Bool)
g n output = let binary = drop 2 $ intToBin n
                 outputFunc func
                   | func == f 0 = head binary == '1'
                   | func == f 1 = binary !! 1 == '1'
                   | func == f 2 = binary !! 2 == '1'
                   | otherwise = binary !! 3 == '1'
             in output outputFunc

Problem 5.

Assume x<n for nZ. Assume towards a contradiction that xn. By definition of floor, as nx, we have xn, which is a contradiction to the assumption. Therefore x<n.

Assume that x<n for nZ. Then we must have xx<n. As x+1 is an integer greater than x, we have $$\lfloor x \rfloor \leq x < \lfloor x \rfloor + 1.$$
Problem 6.

The floor function is using the greatest lower bound property of the reals, and when flipping it via , we now have the lowest upper bound property. Therefore we have x=max{nnZ,n>x}. Similarly, x1<xx.

Problem 7.

Let l+1<r, l,rN. We then have (l+r)div 2<(2r)div 2<r. For the other direction, we have l=(2l)div 2<(l+r)div 2.